Partnership Event 25/09/2012Brussels, Belgium

EGVI PPP Stakeholders Consultation Conference – September 2012

At this conference, held on 25th of September 2012 at the Diamond Conference Center in Brussels, the draft multiannual roadmap for the implementation of the European Green Vehicle Initiative PPP under Horizon 2020 was presented and discussed with the public in presence of high level representatives from the industry and the European Commission. The draft roadmap has been compiled by the European Technology Platforms ERTRAC, EPoSS and SmartGrids. It contains the vision, strategy and expected impacts of the initiative that will be the successor of the European Green Cars Initiative PPP.

The detailed agenda can be downloaded here.

A summarized presentation is available for consultation.


Diamant Building
Bd. A Reyerslaan 80


All participants need to register in advance online until 18th of September 2012. Participation is free of charge. Due to room limitations any registration needs to be confirmed by the organizers.

Registration has been extended until 20th of September 14:00.

Dr. Gereon Meyer