Partnership Event 04/04/2019Brussels

ERTRAC Annual Conference 2019 Road Transport Research towards “Horizon Europe”

ERTRAC is organising its Annual Conference next 4th April 2019 in Brussels.

The conference will be dedicated to the preparation of the 9th Research Framework Programme “Horizon Europe”: which place for Road Transport Research and which key research challenges?

Three new Roadmaps will be presented and distributed:

  • on “Connected Automated Driving”
  • on “Road Safety”,
  • and on “Long Distance Freight Transport”

In addition to the research roadmaps, the 10 Years impact assessment of the European Green Vehicles Initiative will also be presented.

The event will include an exhibition showcasing some examples of innovation in the automotive and mobility sector.

09:15-10:00 Welcome coffee and visit of exhibition
10:00 Introductory Session: which place for Road Transport Research in Horizon Europe?
10:45 The European Green Vehicles Initiative: 10 years of achievements and future perspectives
11:45 Europe on the way to Connected Automated Driving: presentation of new ERTRAC Roadmap
12:45 Lunch break and visit of the exhibition
14:00 Road Safety: a research roadmap to support the Vision Zero
14:45 Long Distance Freight Transport: a new roadmap for a sector in transformation
15:30 Conclusions
16:00 End of conference

The agenda is available for download below.

To register, please complete the registration form. Participation is free but registration is mandatory and is limited to stakeholders belonging to the networks of ERTRAC and EGVIA*.
*Registration is not automatically accepted: only confirmed participants can take part to the event. Participants will be confirmed based on their involvement in the thematic fields covered by the conference.



Xavier Aertsens