

Electromobility is a major factor towards transport decarbonisation. However a number of challenges (limited charging options, lack of interoperability, absence of a unified identification/payment process, energy grid overload, expensive charging tariffs) limit the...


Electro-mobility (for the purpose of this document, Electro-Mobility is the mobility offer by electric vehicles that are fully integrated into a well adapted transport system) is seen as one of the largest opportunities to radically change today’s transport...


Four European cities/regions (Barcelona, Gipuzkoa-San Sebastian, Newcastle and Reggio Emilia) have come together to demonstrate the role of ICT solutions for cities and citizens in addressing shortcomings of electro mobility. Electric power solutions have proven to...
Green eMotion

Green eMotion

42 partners from industry, the energy sector, electric vehicles manufacturers, municipalities as well as universities and research institutions have joined forces in the Green eMotion project. The aim is to develop and to demonstrate a commonly accepted framework to...